How do cooking extruders work ?

Cooking extrusion is a continuous process by which moistened expansile starchy and/or proteinaceous materials are conveyed and compressed by screw, becoming plasticised in a rheological flow, resulting in denaturation of protein and gelatinisation of starch by a combination of moisture, pressure, temperature and mechanical shear, forming continuous exothermic expansion of the visco-elastic extrudate from the die.

Why use Extrusion Based Cooking Technology ?

High Product Quality and Efficiency;

Extrusion based cooking affords excellent control over the cooking process itself and changes can be made quickly during the process by skilled operators. In addition, this HTST (High Temperature Short Time) cooking method effectively sterilises the product in the barrel. These high temperatures destroy any harmful microorganisms, while the short processing time minimises nutrient loss (provided there is adequate moisture and shear rates are not excessive).

Due to the continuous nature of extrusion based cooking, it offers considerable advantages in energy efficiency with direct transference of SME and STE, as well as significant process time and labour savings. Just two skilled operators are required to run our plant, with Extrusion Co being capable of producing more than 3 tons per day on a 15-hour double shift.

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